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 Can A Chiropractor Help His Patients Suffering From Kyphosis?

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Do you find it difficult standing up straight? A hunched back is one of the prominent symptoms of kyphosis, causing your spine to become more rounded than it should be. Also, the condition can cause persistent pain and numbness in your legs. It can be quite annoying to find yourself diagnosed with kyphosis, both due to the abnormal appearance it causes and the physical pain that comes with the condition. 

In the United States, it was seen that the condition occurs in about 0.04-10% of school-age kids, and Scheuermann’s kyphosis makes up most of those cases. People with the condition receive a diagnosis when they are 12 to 17 years old. Moreover, boys are more prone to kyphosis compared to girls. 

Many of us have a common doubt, can chiropractors fix kyphosis? Fortunately, chiropractic care offers a variety of treatment options for kyphosis that are non-invasive, drug-free, and very effective. With the perfect approach, it should be possible to get significant relief for your symptoms through chiropractic care. Let us find about the condition in detail. 

What Is Kyphosis?

A noticeable increase in the forward curvature of the upper back is known as kyphosis. The condition can occur at any age but is most common in aged women. Moreover, it is primarily due to weakness in the spinal bones that causes them to crack or compress. 

Several other types of kyphosis can appear in babies or teens caused due to malformation or wedging of the spinal bones over a certain time. Unlike mild kyphosis, severe kyphosis can cause pain and be disfiguring. While the treatment of the condition generally depends on the age and the causes and effects of the curvature. 

Types Of Kyphosis

The human spine is made up of bones called the vertebrae that stack on top of each other, which helps the spine be flexible and supportive. Moreover, our spine is vulnerable to damage. In the following paragraphs, we will find some different types of kyphosis. 

Postural Kyphosis

Postural kyphosis is considered one of the most common forms of kyphosis. It generally occurs in adolescence, when the muscles around the spine develop differently due to a postural imbalance like slouching. 

It increases the forward curvature, stretching the spine’s extensor muscles and posterior ligaments. This condition is also quite common in aged adults who have decreased muscle strength. 

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Scheuermann’s Kyphosis

Like postural kyphosis, this condition also tends to occur during adolescence, but it can become quite worse. Moreover, the exact causes of this condition are not known. 

Age-Related Kyphosis

This condition causes a curve in the spine that progressively worsens in adulthood, often resulting from conditions that affect the bones in the spine. Osteoporosis can be considered an example as it causes the bones to lose density and become weaker. 

Congenital Kyphosis

This type of kyphosis generally occurs when the spine does not develop properly before birth, causing kyphosis. Moreover, it can become severe with age. 

Can A Chiropractor Help With Kyphosis?

Chiropractic care is considered one of the finest treatment options for kyphosis, which can help treat stiffness, pain, and different other symptoms of kyphosis. 

To find the root causes of kyphosis, your chiropractor will ask about your medical history and perform a physical examination in the beginning. They may also ask for imaging tests such as MRI and x-rays. Moreover, they can also use the required techniques known as motion, and static palpation to feel tightness, tenderness, or examine how well your spinal joints move. 

Also, your chiropractor may use a type of spinal manipulation, also known as spinal adjustment, to improve joint motion. It is primarily an active, hands-on treatment, and there are several variations of these techniques, so let us find more about them. 

Specific Spinal Manipulation

This technique helps your chiropractor identify restricted joints or those that show unusual motion. Your Kyphosis chiropractor will use a gentle thrusting technique to rapidly stretch soft tissues, allowing the nervous system to return the usual motion to the spine. 

Flexion-Distraction Technique

It is a non-thrusting and gentle spinal manipulation that is used for people with the condition associated with degenerative disc disease or motion restrictions in the mid-back or thoracic spine. 

Instrument-Assisted Manipulation

It is another non-trusting spinal manipulation, and your chiropractor will use hand-held equipment to apply force without putting pressure on the spine. Moreover, the chiropractor may use different types of treatments to help reduce inflammation caused by kyphosis. Ultrasound helps relieve muscle spasms, pain, and stiffness. It works by sending sound waves deep into the muscle tissues. Moreover, it creates gentle heat to improve circulation. While the interferential electrical stimulation uses a low-frequency electrical current to stimulate muscles, resulting in reduced inflammation. 

There are various manual therapy treatments used to treat injured ligaments and muscles, these are:

Trigger Point Therapy

This therapy helps the chiropractor identify the specific painful and tight points on a muscle. The chiropractic expert will place direct pressure on these points to alleviate tension. 

Manual Joint Stretching And Resistance Techniques

This type of treatment is proven highly effective in reducing kyphosis symptoms. One of the major examples of resistance manual joint therapy is a muscle energy therapy.

Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Therapy

In this therapy, your chiropractor may use the Graston technique to perform gentle repeated strokes of the equipment over the muscle injury. 

Chiropractic Care For Kyphosis: 3 Amazing Benefits

Undoubtedly, people have found huge differences when it comes to kyphosis chiropractors before and after. Let us find out some major benefits of chiropractic care. 

Improves Alignment

The joints in the human body, primarily the spinal joints, have an ideal alignment where everything fits perfectly fine. Studies reveal that the more you can achieve and maintain this alignment, the less stiffness and pain you will suffer. One can say that chiropractic adjustments aim to bring your body back into alignment. 

Regular adjustments help to improve the spinal alignment and straighten the back. Moreover, these adjustments can help an individual learn how to improve and maintain posture in the long run. 

Lessen Pain

Pain is quite common with kyphosis. The human spine is not meant to hump as it does with kyphosis, which explains why pain is so common with the condition. Chiropractic care is quite helpful for reducing pain related to spinal issues. Moreover, many patients get relief immediately following their first adjustment. 

Increases Mobility

The curving of the back can lead to a lot of stiffness in the spine and surrounding soft tissues. Lack of mobility makes everything you do quite difficult, so it becomes important to try and increase your mobility when possible. 

Chiropractic adjustments and therapies are considered best for relaxing the soft tissues that may become stiff as the kyphosis develops. One of the finest things about improving the spine’s mobility is that it allows you to enhance your posture. Moreover, it should become easier to keep your back in a more healthy alignment. 

Why Choose Realign Spine?

If you are suffering from kyphosis and constantly looking for the best kyphosis chiropractor near me on the internet, Realign Spine can be the perfect place for you. Our chiropractic experts are standing by to answer all your queries and help you get the finest treatment. 

Apart from kyphosis, we deal with a wide range of conditions such as herniated disc, text neck, scoliosis, neck hump, flat feet, migraines, headaches, and many more. Head over to the Realign Spine website if you want reliable chiropractic and spine-related services at the most affordable prices. 

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