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How Chiropractor Treats Flat Feet Injury?

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The spine is a chiropractor’s primary focus, but as you might expect, flat feet and other extremities impact what happens at the spine. Consequently, we have a thorough knowledge of the extremities, allowing us to pinpoint the exact location of the problem.

Simply recall that “flat feet (also known as collapsed/fallen arches) is what causes over-pronation (the correct phrase is pes planus)” to understand how the terminologies mentioned above are utilizable medically. The foot’s arch is called flat feet, collapsed or fallen arches, whereas overpronation and pes planus refers to how the ankle appears and moves under pressure due to the flat feet.

If you have any uncertainties regarding the same, keep reading throughout the blog and consult our Chiropractor.

How Did I Get Flat Feet?

Aging, a tibialis posterior tendon tear, ligament indifference, genetics, trauma, diabetes, or arthritis are all possible causes of ‘flat feet’ in the human foot.

If you don’t have a pathological or traumatic cause for your flat feet and still don’t understand why you have them, consider that the human body is not designed to wear soft-soled shoes in the first place. Consider how your body has transformed over time as a result of having this cushion under your foot, which prevents your foot from responding as it should in the natural environment.

During the gait cycle, a shoe can govern the pressure flow through the foot, causing changes to the feet. Consider how, as humans, we can now run longer strides because our heels shield us from the harsh surface. Changes in the human body typically take thousands of years to adapt to, not just one life!

How Do I Know I Have Got Flat Feet?

There are a few ways to tell if you have flat feet. The first is to observe how you walk. Does your heel contact the floor on the outside of your heel at first? Does your foot leave the inside of your front foot when it leaves the ground? When you’re walking or jogging, does your ankle roll in? These are all symptoms that can be caught off guard. Looking at the inside arch of your foot, touching the floor, or raising it is a simple test.

If you’re not sure, try putting the fingertips of one hand palm up as far as you can beneath the arch. Now, slide up to the foot as far as you can along the fingers with your thumb. When your thumb lands on your foot, pull your fingers out from beneath the arch. If your thumb has not crossed the crease of your fingertips when standing still, your arch is normal; if your thumb has passed this crease, you most likely have flat feet.

However! This isn’t to say they won’t crumble if pushed! Some people’s arches only collapse while participating in sports. When you think about how much power is transferable into the feet during high-impact exercises, it’s easy to see why.

Risk Factors

Several factors, including: can cause flat feet

  • Obesity
  • foot or ankle injury
  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis


Your doctor will examine your feet from the front and rear and ask you to stand on your toes to explore the mechanics of your feet. He or she may also examine the pattern of wear on your shoes.


The therapy choices differ slightly. Suppose you’ve had flat feet your whole life or developed them over time as a result of compensatory changes elsewhere in your body. In that case, you’ll probably have one of two options (Be aware that fallen arches in children are ubiquitous and are usually not a reason for concern as the arches in most circumstances will develop as they grow.)

The first treatment option for flat feet is to strengthen the foot’s arch by performing an activity known as the “little foot” exercise. The other option, known as the “fast fix solution,” is to wear insoles in your shoes that re-establish the proper arch to your foot, allowing the rest of your body to function normally. I wear hooks myself and recommend them to individuals with the issue mentioned above.

Imaging Tests

If you’re experiencing severe foot pain, your doctor may recommend tests such as:

  • X-rays. A basic X-ray produces images of your feet’s bones and joints using a tiny quantity of radiation. It’s beneficial for detecting arthritis.
  • CT scan is a type of x-ray. This examination produces far more detail than a typical X-ray by taking X-rays of your foot from several angles.
  • Ultrasound. This test employs sound waves to provide detailed images of soft tissues within the body, which your doctor may request if he or she detects a damaged tendon.
  • MRI. MRIs use radio waves and a powerful magnet to generate detailed images of both hard and soft tissues.


If your flat feet are hurting you, your doctor may recommend:

  • Arches provide support (orthotic devices). Flat feet can be relieved by using over-the-counter arch supports. Alternatively, your doctor may recommend custom-made arch supports that mold to the curves of your feet. Although arch supports do not cure flat feet, they do help to alleviate the symptoms.
  • Exercising your muscles. Flatfooted folks may also have a shorter Achilles tendon. Stretching exercises for this tendon may be beneficial.
  • Shoes that provide support. Sandals or shoes with low support may be more comfortable than structurally supportive shoes.

Physical therapy is a type of procedure that involves using specific runners; flat feet may contribute to overuse issues. A Chiropractic is an ideal therapist to conduct video analysis of your running form and technique to help you refine your form and technique.


Chiropractors do not perform surgery simply to address flat feet. However, if you have a problem with your tendons, such as a tear or rupture, your Chiropractor may suggest you undergo surgery.

Lifestyle And Home Remedies

If your flat feet are bothering you, you might want to try the following:

  • Rest. Avoid doing anything that will make your situation worse. Rather than jumping and sprinting, engage in low-impact sports such as walking, biking, and swimming.
  • Supports for arches Arch supports are available over-the-counter and may improve your comfort.
  • Medications. Pain medicines sold over the counter may be of assistance.
  • Loss of weight. Losing weight can help you feel better on your feet.

Can A Chiropractor Heal Flat Feet Pain?

For people suffering from flat-feet pain, a trip to the Chiropractor can be highly beneficial. Once your Chiropractor has verified that flat feet are the source of your suffering, he or she will most likely recommend custom-fitted orthotic arch supports. Heat moldable plastic shoe inserts meant to support the arch on the inside of the foot are chiropractic arch supports. A chiropractor also assists in realigning the ankle joints and bones in your foot.

What To Expect From Your Chiropractor?

Your Chiropractor can ask some of the questions mentioned below:

  • What part of your body is hurting?
  • What would you call the sensation of pain — dull, acute, or burning?
  • Is there any particular move or position that helps or hurts your pain?
  • Is it true that the sort of shoe you wear has an impact on your pain?
  • Can a Chiropractor balance on one foot on tiptoe?
  • Have you considered using arch supports?
  • What effect does the pain have on your life?


Flat feet can cause a variety of issues in the lower limbs and back. Before you buy anything, I urge you to visit your Chiropractor or podiatrist (if the problem is limited to your feet) to determine the specific origin of the problem so that they can diagnose it and offer a treatment plan that is right for you and your body. Keep in mind that “everyone is different.” Visit Realign Spine and book an appointment with the best Chiropractor for your flat feet.

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